Hello, do you sell chairs?
Good day! My name is Helen from Chairs & Co. Yes, we do. Would you like to place an order?
Wonderful! Would you prefer an unpainted growing chair for 45 dollars or a colored one for 90 dollars? If colored, please choose one of the available colors: white, ivory, ash, oak, or walnut.
Let's go with white
Great choice! Please indicate to which city the delivery should be made?
To Washington.
Delivery to Washington will take approximately 2-3 business days. The cost of the white chair will be 95 dollars with delivery included. To place an order, please provide your name, address, and phone number.
John Smith, Luter Str. 32, apt. 23, +16507599755
Thank you. Your order:
1. Growing chair (white) – 90 dollars.
2. Delivery to Washington (Luter Str. 32, apt. 23) – 5 dollars.
Total to be paid: 95 dollars.
Payment upon receipt of the order.
The order has been successfully placed and will be delivered within 2-3 days. We will contact you at the provided phone number to confirm the order and clarify delivery details. Thank you for choosing our product! If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.